

Render a NuxtLink but with superpowers.


The Link component is a wrapper around <NuxtLink> through the custom prop that provides a few extra props:

  • inactive-class prop to set a class when the link is inactive, active-class is used when active.
  • exact prop to style with active-class when the link is active and the route is exactly the same as the current route.
  • exact-query and exact-hash props to style with active-class when the link is active and the query or hash is exactly the same as the current query or hash.

The incentive behind this is to provide the same API as NuxtLink back in Nuxt 2 / Vue 2. You can read more about it in the Vue Router migration from Vue 2 guide.

  inactive-class="text-gray-500 dark:text-gray-400 hover:text-gray-700 dark:hover:text-gray-200"

It also renders an <a> tag when a to prop is provided, otherwise it defaults to rendering a <button> tag. The default behavior can be customized using the as prop.

It is used underneath by the Button, Dropdown and VerticalNavigation components.